Printela increases competitiveness and export volumes by participating in international exhibitions

PRINTELA  started its activity in 1997. producing adhesive labels. With the growing needs of consumers and the modernization of technology, the company has expanded its product range and today produces all types of labels: adhesive, textile, screen printing and raw material labels, as well as flexible packaging produced by digital printing.

Printela Printing House, which has established business contacts at international exhibitions, has been operating since 2005. started exporting its products to the first export markets – Denmark and Latvia.

Since 2012 the company began to systematically increase export volumes. Regular participation in international exhibitions allows to increase the company’s awareness, present product opportunities and increase sales in export markets.

In order to effectively use all the opportunities to increase exports, PRINTELA applied to the EU structural funds for additional financing.

The company received EUR 45,000 in funding from the EU Structural Funds under the 2014–2020. Measure No. of the EU Funds Investment Operational Program Priority 3 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness”. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801 “New opportunities for LT”.

PRINTELA has signed an agreement with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency on the project “Increasing the competitiveness and export volumes of UAB Printela by participating in international exhibitions” No. S-03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-02-0141, the aim of which is to increase the sales of PRINTELA in foreign markets by actively presenting the company’s experience and production opportunities at international exhibitions.

During the implementation of the project in the period 2016 – 2019, the company participated in 9 international exhibitions, which took place in Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Great Britain, Estonia and Germany. The products and innovative technologies produced by PRINTELA were presented at these exhibitions.

At international exhibitions, the company’s activities and products are presented in a separate stand, presenting marketing materials prepared by the company to potential customers.

After implementing the project, PRINTELA created conditions for the company’s employees to present the company in foreign markets, to establish new contacts with potential customers and partners.

The implementation of this project will have a positive impact on the entire company’s activities – the company’s awareness and competitiveness in both local and international markets will grow. It is expected that this will increase the company’s profitability and provide an opportunity to ensure the successful further development of the company and penetration into new foreign markets.

End of project implementation – 2019. March